IV. VIDEOS in Russian
St. Petersburg
VHS Videotape 30 minutes In Russian Made in Russia in 1998
PRICE: $19.95
If you have ever been to St. Petersburg, you have seen the exterior of the enormous and grand Kazan Cathedral with its huge colonnade and dome, so prominent along the Nevsky Prospect. Dedicated to the wonder-working Kazan Icon of the Birth-Giver of God, prior to the revolution it was the primary church of the capital city. The Communists desecrated it as a museum of religion and atheism. In this engrossing video—filmed during the Great Fast/Lent of 1998—you can witness this magnificent and glorious cathedral as it is restored as a temple of God by Metropolitan Vladimir of St. Petersburg. You will witness up-close in the sanctuary the fascinating rite of consecrating a new altar/holy table, including assembling it, anointing it with oil, and placing relics in it. Then the new light is distributed by the Metropolitan, as he lights handfuls of candles, and the temple is blessed and its walls anointed. Then the Metropolitan serves the first Divine Liturgy on the newly consecrated altar, in the magnificent newly reconsecrated cathedral, and ordains a priest. At the end you see the pastor blessing the beautiful new bell, and watch it being raised up.